Phone (650) 560-0216|Fax (650) 560-9627|575 Kelly, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

Jill Pavliscak M.D., Board Certified in Family Medicine

Dr. Jill Pavliscak is a Board Certified Family Medicine Physician, who graduated from Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, and completed her residency at Swedish at Providence Program through the University of Washington in Seattle.

After her training, she fulfilled her National Health Service Corp Scholarship commitment by working for four years at a rural Indian Health Service Hospital on the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico.  She enjoyed the open, wild landscape and cultural exchange of this experience, as well as the diversity of professional challenges it offered, including emergency, inpatient, and obstetric care.

To be closer to her extended family, she returned to her home state of California in 2008 with her husband and three children, and found Half Moon Bay to be a perfect fit.  She feels that living, working, and raising a family in this close-knit, walkable community is ideal.  Having studied in Chile and Spain, and worked as a medical volunteer with her husband in Guatemala and Nicaragua, she enjoys speaking Spanish and being a part of this multicultural community.

She strives to build strong, lasting relationships with her patients, and to provide comprehensive care that is respectful to their cultural and personal values.